FREE virtual series beginning 8/5!
Register today

We value your privacy and would never spam you. By entering your name and email above, you are consenting to Fallon Jordan, the host of the Home & Life Design summit, to email you during the show and afterward with selected and relevant emails.

Over the course of 7 days, you'll get exclusive interviews from intuitive experts, artists & mystics to provide you with the tools you need to live in more authentic joy! You'll receive:

  • 25+ experts sharing their top methods for creating more joy that they use personally and with thousands of their clients
  • Fun, real-life approaches to using art and co-creation to expand your ability to love yourself and others
  • Unique definitions of beauty and how to embody it within every cell of your being
  • Energy clearings and activations to help you feel more joyful instantly
  • FREE guided meditations and access to courses from our guest speakers